Are you looking to save money? Perhaps you’d like to take advantage of lower rates, or maybe borrow some money for investments, top up your RRSP contribution, help children for University/College expenses, or for debt management.
Using your home’s equity could be one of the easiest and most affordable ways to access money.
With historically low mortgage interest rates, the time has never been better to look at your options.
Refinancing is a cost effective way to reduce your current debt load. Many clients who refinance to pay off high interest credit cards, car loans, etc save hundreds of dollars each month. This enables them to top up their RRSP’s more often, buy a second home, renovate or save for a rainy day!
While removing equity from your home can be a good idea, you should do so with caution and fully understand the benefits and possible risks. We can take a quick application and assess your needs at absolutely no cost to you.